There are so many ways to learn to expand your knowledge on Islam. From Imams to YouTube videos, Hadiths to online forums. But what about books? Other than the Qur’an, there are thousands of books about Islam that are great for developing and challenging your understanding of the religion. Here are just a few that you definitely need to check out. This is not a sponsored post, they are books that have genuinely been recommended by a number of people.
We’ve listed where you can buy these books online, but if you want to locate Islamic book shops in your area, you can do so with HalalGuide’s free directory service.
Misquoting Muhammad: The Challenge and Choices of Interpreting the Prophet’s Legacy by Jonathan A.C Brown
Jonathan A.C Brown, a revert of Islam, wrote this book after having many similar conversations with both Muslims & non-Muslims about how to understand certain Qur’anic verses and Hadith. He delves into the context of what culture was like during the time of the Prophet (pbuh) and throughout this book, Brown discusses controversial topics in Islam today. This includes Muslims that leave Islam, domestic violence, and women leading prayer.
Overall this book has received 4.3 stars out of 5. One customer said “I have now read this several times and upon each I feel like I take away something new and insightful.” after giving it 5 stars.
The Washington Post have even reviewed the book saying, “Brown possesses formidable knowledge of premodern Muslim scholars who sought to preserve accounts of Muhammad’s teachings and practices … MISQUOTING MUHAMMAD sheds light on the considerable dynamism and sophistication within the Sunni tradition.”
Reclaim Your Heart by Yasmin Mogahed
Reclaim Your Heart is a manual, to help you heal by guiding you find and renew your love for Islam. The book has some great chapters, such as “The Empowerment of Women”, “A Believer’s Response to Hardship?” and “Why Aren’t My Prayers Being Answered”. It has a whopping 4.8 stars with 300 reviews on Amazon! In fact, almost 90% of readers gave the book 5 stars.
“A brilliant read.! This book is not just for Muslims, I would recommend this to people of all religions. This is a well written book which guides and helps people through hardships but on the other hand the book also discusses how we should deal with both predictable and unpredictable life events.”
Readers are loving this book & you will too!
Revive Your Heart: Putting Life in Perspective by Nouman Ali Khan
Nouman Ali Khan is a well-known American speaker & Arabic teacher. But did you know he is an author too? He has published books such as “Your Sin is Not Greater Than God's Mercy” but Revive Your Heart is his most recent. If you enjoy his online lectures, you’ll definitely love this book. This book challenges us to change, especially with it being so easy for society to drag us away from our deen. Become spiritually centered again with Revive Your Heart.
The book has received brilliant reviews and Sabihah, a customer, said, “This book is simply exceptional. If you are in need of an Iman booster, then I can not recommend this book enough.”
One professional reviewer from Pardon My Writings wrote, "A stunning collection of spiritual lectures that are both current and thought-provoking."
This book is somewhat similar to Mogahed’s Reclaim Your Heart; however Revive Your Heart is half the price of the former, with almost the same number of pages. So if you’re looking for a cheaper option, this might be the book for you!
The Productive Muslim: Where Faith Meets Productivity by Faris Mohammad
We’ve all struggled with trying to balance our careers, personal lives and practicing Islam. Now The Productive Muslim is here to teach you how to intertwine productivity with your deen. Some of the topics in this book include:
- - How to use spirituality to boost your productivity
- - How to manage your focus in an age of distractions
- - How to build productive habits and routines
This too has 4.8 stars, receiving no 1 or 2 stars at all!
Shahid Farooq said, “Really good book to change your life it certainly has changed my daily routine into productive one I will be using it on regularly as booster into my productivity :-)”
Graham Allcott, managing director of Think Productive said, “Mohammed and his team at Productive Muslim provide great productivity advice – on working well, living well, and applying the Islamic face in a modern and practical way. It’s always really inspiring working with him – he’s a true Productivity Ninja”.
The Muslim Marriage Guide by Ruqaiyyah Waris Maqsood
The title of this book is quite self explanatory, it is guide to leading a strong and healthy marriage. You don’t even have to be married to benefit from this book, as you can definitely gain perspective and understand what makes a happy marriage whilst you are in search of the perfect partner. The book has a long chapter about The Prophet (pbuh) & his wives, as well as chapters about being a good husband and celebrating differences.
One customer wrote, “This book offers sound advice for any muslim couple, supplemented with quotes directly from the Quran and the Hadith literature. It covers subjects from foundational principles of a good marriage, to gender differences, to sexual issues, and the author discusses how both husbands and wives can apply the instructions to love and respect each other into their everyday lives. Both my husband and I found many sections applicable to ourselves and particularly liked the frequent references to hadiths and suras. This book is easy to read, well organized and very applicable to couples living in both Islamic and Western societies. A well informed, relevant read - I highly recommend it.”
Loving Our Parents by Abdul Malik Mujahid
With everything that happens in our daily lives, it’s easy for us to forget that our parents are getting older day by day. Loving Our Parents is a comprehensive guide for Muslims about how to deal with parents and treat them well. This book has been rated 5 out of 5 stars on Amazon, but keep in mind this is only by 2 reviewers. However on goodreads, a website dedicated to book reviews, it has 4.49 stars from 117 ratings.
One customer, Mohammad Salman Hussain, said, “This book is for every son or daughter and also mother and father. It has had a profound affect on me, because my father passed away two years ago. But I still have one gate of heaven open, my mother. Thank you for writing this book. May Allah (SWT) reward the author infinitely for this important piece of work.”
A Comprehensive Exploration of the Scientific Miracles in Holy Quran by Mahdi La'li
Ever wondered if and how Islam and science mix? Learn about all the things that were revealed in the Qur’an over 1400 years ago, but were only discovered by science recently. Not only can it help your renew your love for the Qur’an, it can also give you a better understanding of science.
This book is well-liked with 4.8 stars. Amir wrote, “Wonderful Book to read for non-Muslims who want to learn about scientific miracles that are presented in the Quran. The Author has a unique voice and he makes the topic of Science and Religion very interesting.”
Buy Scientific Miracles in Holy Quran
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