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Al-Hijrah Mosque

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Al-Hijrah Mosque works actively to promote tolerance and understanding. Along with all the local mosques Al-Hijrah is a member of Muslim council of Britain (MCB) and UMO (Union of Muslim organisations) this binds together Muslims from different backgrounds and strands of Islam. Al-Hijrah enjoys excellent interfaith relations - and the strength of these relationships has stood us all in good stead during the recent testing years. Al-Hijrah regularly organise interfaith dialogue on religious tolerance with representation from all the major faiths where we also remember and pay respect to our beloved prophet Muhammad (saw). Jummah is at 2pm in the Summer and 1pm in the Winter.

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Al-Hijrah Mosque
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Al-Hijrah Mosque works actively to promote tolerance and understanding. Along with all the local mosques Al-Hijrah is a member of Muslim council of Britain (MCB) and UMO (Union of Muslim organisations) this binds together Muslims from different backgrounds and strands of Islam. Al-Hijrah enjoys excellent interfaith relations - and the strength of these relationships has stood us all in good stead during the recent testing years. Al-Hijrah regularly organise interfaith dialogue on religious tolerance with representation from all the major faiths where we also remember and pay respect to our beloved prophet Muhammad (saw). Jummah is at 2pm in the Summer and 1pm in the Winter.

Мы не несем ответственности за услуги, реализуемые организациями, находящимися у нас в базе. Просьба дополнительно уточнять у лиц, предоставляющих продукцию халяль. (42958)