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First fully HMC certified Mexican Latino restaurant. Newly fitted out. With plenty of seating and upstairs private family room. This cozy restaurant is located on the renowned Ladypool road and...

  • 369 Ladypool Road, Birmingham, West Midlands B12 8AL
  • Показать номер
Средний чек £ 10
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О заведении

First fully HMC certified Mexican Latino restaurant. Newly fitted out. With plenty of seating and upstairs private family room. This cozy restaurant is located on the renowned Ladypool road and serves the authentic flavors of Mexico: burritos, fajitas, chimichangas and enchiladas are just some of the favorites. Open till 1:00 AM on Friday and Saturday.

Мы не несем ответственности за услуги, реализуемые организациями, находящимися у нас в базе. Просьба дополнительно уточнять у лиц, предоставляющих продукцию халяль. (23975)