Dallas Islamic Center
Ознакомьтесь с отзывами посетителей Dallas Islamic Center в г.Даллас-Форт Уорт на фотографиях и узнайте о часах работы. Ваше духовное путешествие начинается здесь.
- 1416 East Collins Boulevard, Richardson, TX 75081
- http://www.dallasislamiccenter.org
- Показать номер
Dallas Islamic Center was founded in 2007, DIC is a non-profit non-political Muslim organization operating exclusively for religious, charitable, educational, and literary purposes. The foundation aspires to educate Muslims and non-Muslims alike with the basic knowledge of Islam, to contribute individually and collectively towards meeting human needs inconformity with Turkish understanding of Islam, to help eradicate misconceptions and ignorance in religion and propagate an atmosphere of harmony and tolerance in the community through dialogue with other individuals, faith groups, and organizations. Our mission is to show that religions are not necessarily the main source of every conflict, hostility, and clashes among world civilizations, rather, religions can play major role in restoring world peace, respect, sympathy, trust and peaceful coexistence with with different groups when the followers are educated, and guided properly to meet the needs of changing values of tomorrow?s world.
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