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Mais Alghanim

0 отзывов
The history of Mais Alghanim Restaurant dates back to the previous century when our founding father Edmond Barakat (Abu Emile), opened a canteen for the employees of Yusuf Ahmed Alghanim & Sons...

Средний чек $ 500
Алкоголь Запрещён
WiFi Нет
Оплата картой Принимается
Сертификат Нет
Парковка Есть
О заведении

The history of Mais Alghanim Restaurant dates back to the previous century when our founding father Edmond Barakat (Abu Emile), opened a canteen for the employees of Yusuf Ahmed Alghanim & Sons Co., called ?Mess Alghanim?. Over time, strong ties and personal relations grew between Abu Emile, Kuwaiti, and Expatriate Families extending over three phases and three generations. The first phase commenced in 1953 during which complete meals and take-away services were offered transforming the canteen into a restaurant for one and all. Located across from Kuwait Towers.

Мы не несем ответственности за услуги, реализуемые организациями, находящимися у нас в базе. Просьба дополнительно уточнять у лиц, предоставляющих продукцию халяль. (28340)