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Taste of India

1 отзывов
Curry in a Hurry - fast food Indian. We believe in offering fast, Fresh, and authentic cuisine. Serve Halal Chicken and and Lamb! Can substitute for any curry or Biryani.

Средний чек $ 500
Алкоголь Запрещён
WiFi Есть
Оплата картой Принимается
Сертификат Нет
Парковка Нет
Добавляй свои отзывы! В приложении
2019 Авг 23 06:03
Not halal! When I asked about a halal certificate they showed me one from 2008 which belongs to the previous owner. I asked them about the meat source. One told me they get supplied by restaurant depot and his boss said from another company. It's not clear from where they get their meats from.
О заведении

Curry in a Hurry - fast food Indian. We believe in offering fast, Fresh, and authentic cuisine. Serve Halal Chicken and and Lamb! Can substitute for any curry or Biryani.

Мы не несем ответственности за услуги, реализуемые организациями, находящимися у нас в базе. Просьба дополнительно уточнять у лиц, предоставляющих продукцию халяль. (14910)