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Thornton Islamic Society

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We thank Allah for granting us the opportunity to bring the light of Islam to an area that was previously a symbol of apartheid, in that it was reserved for whites only. AlgamdoeLiellah, Thornton has now developed into a multi-racial and multi-cultural suburb, and the Muslims of Thornton have proudly taken their niche in this community. Due to this history of Thornton, there were no facilities available to the muslims in the area. Thus there was a dire need for a society like the Thornton Islamic Society (T.I.S.). The Society was formed in 1998 to see to the social, welfare, spiritual and educational needs of the Muslim community in the area.

Ознакомьтесь с отзывами посетителей Thornton Islamic Society в г.Кейптаун на фотографиях и узнайте о часах работы. Ваше духовное путешествие начинается здесь.
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We thank Allah for granting us the opportunity to bring the light of Islam to an area that was previously a symbol of apartheid, in that it was reserved for whites only. AlgamdoeLiellah, Thornton has now developed into a multi-racial and multi-cultural suburb, and the Muslims of Thornton have proudly taken their niche in this community. Due to this history of Thornton, there were no facilities available to the muslims in the area. Thus there was a dire need for a society like the Thornton Islamic Society (T.I.S.). The Society was formed in 1998 to see to the social, welfare, spiritual and educational needs of the Muslim community in the area.

Мы не несем ответственности за услуги, реализуемые организациями, находящимися у нас в базе. Просьба дополнительно уточнять у лиц, предоставляющих продукцию халяль. (10857)