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Tabaq offers take-out and catering for Indian and Pakistani food. We specialize in Halal Pakistani and Indian Cuisine.We invite you to taste our authentic quality traditional vegetarian dishes or...

Средний чек $ 500
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Tabaq offers take-out and catering for Indian and Pakistani food. We specialize in Halal Pakistani and Indian Cuisine.We invite you to taste our authentic quality traditional vegetarian dishes or halal Pakistani dishes. For great food at a low price, try our daily specials. We always provide the best possible service to our customers and at the same time, always make sure the best quality & taste.

Мы не несем ответственности за услуги, реализуемые организациями, находящимися у нас в базе. Просьба дополнительно уточнять у лиц, предоставляющих продукцию халяль. (20223)