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Мечеть «Караван Сарай»

7 отзывов
Ознакомьтесь с отзывами посетителей Мечеть «Караван Сарай» в г.Оренбург на фотографиях и узнайте о часах работы. Ваше духовное путешествие начинается здесь.
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  • Парковый проспект, д. 6/1
Медресе Нет
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Направление Не известно
Парковка Есть
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2024 Янв 30 09:14
Ходили раньше в эту мечеть, отличная мечеть, щас пока не ходим
2022 Май 04 20:26
Ваххабитская мечеть мда, а так пойдёт
2021 Апр 23 08:39
Hookup Women Utilizes Free of charge Matters? A Fantastic Horizontal Benefit! Free of charge hookup females singles on the web is the best solution if you're fed up with going to bars and clubs simply to be prevented, or even worse, laughed at. I realize what it's like because I've been there. I used to be solitary and desperate back into the time -- I essential a brand new lover -- however i continued seeking because I had hardly any other selection. If you're a single man who wants to hookup with hot girls without planning to those places the location where the women are on your own, than the report might just make positive changes to daily life. It will explain why dating on the web is the best choice if you're a masculine who may be shy to approach a beautiful female in the club or team.
2021 Апр 23 08:39
Hookup Women Utilizes Free of charge Matters? A Fantastic Horizontal Benefit! Free of charge hookup females singles on the web is the best solution if you're fed up with going to bars and clubs simply to be prevented, or even worse, laughed at. I realize what it's like because I've been there. I used to be solitary and desperate back into the time -- I essential a brand new lover -- however i continued seeking because I had hardly any other selection. If you're a single man who wants to hookup with hot girls without planning to those places the location where the women are on your own, than the report might just make positive changes to daily life. It will explain why dating on the web is the best choice if you're a masculine who may be shy to approach a beautiful female in the club or team.
2021 Апр 23 08:39
Hookup Women Utilizes Free of charge Matters? A Fantastic Horizontal Benefit! Free of charge hookup females singles on the web is the best solution if you're fed up with going to bars and clubs simply to be prevented, or even worse, laughed at. I realize what it's like because I've been there. I used to be solitary and desperate back into the time -- I essential a brand new lover -- however i continued seeking because I had hardly any other selection. If you're a single man who wants to hookup with hot girls without planning to those places the location where the women are on your own, than the report might just make positive changes to daily life. It will explain why dating on the web is the best choice if you're a masculine who may be shy to approach a beautiful female in the club or team.
2021 Апр 23 08:39
Hookup Women Utilizes Free of charge Matters? A Fantastic Horizontal Benefit! Free of charge hookup females singles on the web is the best solution if you're fed up with going to bars and clubs simply to be prevented, or even worse, laughed at. I realize what it's like because I've been there. I used to be solitary and desperate back into the time -- I essential a brand new lover -- however i continued seeking because I had hardly any other selection. If you're a single man who wants to hookup with hot girls without planning to those places the location where the women are on your own, than the report might just make positive changes to daily life. It will explain why dating on the web is the best choice if you're a masculine who may be shy to approach a beautiful female in the club or team.
2020 Июл 06 12:56
Хорошая мечеть
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