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Portlaoise Islamic Cultural Centre

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Also known as Rahman House. Its a new mosque which was bought in 2005 and is used for usual prayers and Friday prayers. Eid prayers (SALAH) are held in Rugby Club. If coming from Dublin, take the first exit to Portlaoise on M7 and then come on Dublin Road, take 2nd exit from Kilminchy Roundabout, and then go forward and 2nd exit from a small round about and just 40 yards ahead opposite from the Kilsheen Hotel, which is on your right - the mosque is directly on your left and its a house with a light brown and white gate and wall.

Ознакомьтесь с отзывами посетителей Portlaoise Islamic Cultural Centre в г.Порт-Лиише на фотографиях и узнайте о часах работы. Ваше духовное путешествие начинается здесь.
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  • Opposite The Killeshin Hotel, Dublin Road, Portlaoise, Laois
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Also known as Rahman House. Its a new mosque which was bought in 2005 and is used for usual prayers and Friday prayers. Eid prayers (SALAH) are held in Rugby Club. If coming from Dublin, take the first exit to Portlaoise on M7 and then come on Dublin Road, take 2nd exit from Kilminchy Roundabout, and then go forward and 2nd exit from a small round about and just 40 yards ahead opposite from the Kilsheen Hotel, which is on your right - the mosque is directly on your left and its a house with a light brown and white gate and wall.

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