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Al Zahra Centre

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Anjuman-e-Ja'fariyya was established in 1982 by the Shia Ithna Ashari Community of Watford. It originally had its origins on the 1960?s when the first wave of immigration from the Indian subcontinent took place with mainly young men coming to the United Kingdom looking for a better life. During these formative years majalises took place in people?s homes to commemorate Muharram and other important occasions in the Islamic calendar. In 1984 Anjuman-e-Ja?fariyya was formally registered as a Charity. For much of its early years the Jamaat was based in a converted house and although much too small to cater for the needs for the Community, it was here that people gathered to hear the message of the Holy Prophet (pbuh) and his Household. Today the Jamaat is based at al Zahra Centre which was purchased by the Community in 1997. These facilities now cater for the religious Islamic education of the Community of Watford of over 120 households.

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Anjuman-e-Ja'fariyya was established in 1982 by the Shia Ithna Ashari Community of Watford. It originally had its origins on the 1960?s when the first wave of immigration from the Indian subcontinent took place with mainly young men coming to the United Kingdom looking for a better life. During these formative years majalises took place in people?s homes to commemorate Muharram and other important occasions in the Islamic calendar. In 1984 Anjuman-e-Ja?fariyya was formally registered as a Charity. For much of its early years the Jamaat was based in a converted house and although much too small to cater for the needs for the Community, it was here that people gathered to hear the message of the Holy Prophet (pbuh) and his Household. Today the Jamaat is based at al Zahra Centre which was purchased by the Community in 1997. These facilities now cater for the religious Islamic education of the Community of Watford of over 120 households.

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