Nazir Ahmad Seemab Memorial Masjid
Ознакомьтесь с отзывами посетителей Nazir Ahmad Seemab Memorial Masjid в г.Сейнт Чарльз на фотографиях и узнайте о часах работы. Ваше духовное путешествие начинается здесь.
Also known as the Charlieville Highway Masjid. Going towards the north, it is midway between Medford Flyover and Monroe Rd. flyover. Use the newly built Feeder Rd. ext. to get there. Next to Alescon Readymix. Going south, must take Monroe Rd. exit on the highway, use the flyover, and follow the large curve on the road as the road straightens in a southerly direction. Head south bound on Caroni Savannah Rd. When you pass Azad Abass Ali hardware, take a left on the road next to gas station then a left when you reach the highway. Daily Salaah lead by Sheikh moataz muftah ofegypt. Classes are conducted on evenings for children - Memorization of Al- Quran. Classes are also conducted after Maghrib till Isha for Adults and youths {brothers and sisters} There are also classes on sunday morning for sisters only. During Ramadhan, the Quran is completed by Sheikh Moataz.
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