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Aziziye Mosque

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The Azazie Mosque is located on Angel Georgiev street. There is no information about the date of its erection. According to some information the mosque was built in 1795. As the most mosques and this one the praying hall are towards Meka. The mosque is low building with a small back yard in the middle. The minaret is at the west - side, to the right of the entrance. The minaret is with square base. There was a reconstruction of the mosque. The interior is slightly formed, but according to the religious statues. Before the entrance of the pray hall there is a small premises for ritual washing and a place for the shoes. On the analogy of the Christian altar, there is a praying niche. This mosque is the only one decorated niche with a gold door from Meka. There is a terrace at the entrance colon, behind at which is the place for the women. Typical and t=for the other mosques is and the passage between the terrace and minaret.

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The Azazie Mosque is located on Angel Georgiev street. There is no information about the date of its erection. According to some information the mosque was built in 1795. As the most mosques and this one the praying hall are towards Meka. The mosque is low building with a small back yard in the middle. The minaret is at the west - side, to the right of the entrance. The minaret is with square base. There was a reconstruction of the mosque. The interior is slightly formed, but according to the religious statues. Before the entrance of the pray hall there is a small premises for ritual washing and a place for the shoes. On the analogy of the Christian altar, there is a praying niche. This mosque is the only one decorated niche with a gold door from Meka. There is a terrace at the entrance colon, behind at which is the place for the women. Typical and t=for the other mosques is and the passage between the terrace and minaret.

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